
Founded By Selene as a way to connect prostitutes and courtesans of all types across the streets of Ul’dah, the Blue Rose has always been a place where fantasy becomes reality. After striking a deal with an old friend, The Blue Rose has moved it’s main operation to a small house in Limsa, her hometown. no matter your background, if you have the gil, we will welcome you into our garden of pleasures. The Blue Rose specializes in luxury of all kinds, decadent food, enrapturing entertainment, lavish spaces, and of course stimulating company. It is likely in our growing retinue there's someone to everyone's taste.Our Venue is always open to our Courtesans, who live on site, and their clients. We Host events and Theme Nights open to the public as we have availability.

OOC Info


Services Offered

At the Blue Rose we value our courtesans' freedom to choose what services they offer, so there is no standard menu here. We suggest striking up an IC conversation and checking individual's carrds for information about individual and specific services and their pricing.

How To Book

Since Services and Prices differ from Rose to Rose, the best way to book a courtesan for your entertainment is to ask them. At This time we do not offer advanced bookings through the Blue Rose.
Note: Only our Roses are available for booking.


On Gil

While Gil exchanged for food and drink is all IC (no actual gil required) many of our courtesans will charge OOC Gil for private services. In addition, tipping servers, courtesans and staff or other kind donations are always appreciated and will go towards helping us grow and expand!

Terms To Know

❧Roses- Our Courtesans, can be recognized by the blue rose worn in their hair while they are on duty.
❧Snapdragon- Staff Management, Heads of Departments
❧Larkspur- All other members of our lovely staff


Owner and Madame of the Blue Rose
Courtesan & Dancer
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
RP/ERP: Yes/Yes
Sexuality: Bisexual
Selene's Carrd

Roselle Brightlily
Keeper of the Lilacs for the Blue Rose (Co-owner)
Courtesan & Dancer
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
RP/ERP: Yes/No
Sexuality: Straight
Roselle’s Carrd

Honey Bea
Bartender and Head of Security
❧⚜☙Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
RP/ERP: Yes/No
Sexuality: Pansexual
Carrd N/A


Kinumi Tachibana
Courtesan & Performer
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
RP/ERP: Yes/No
Sexuality: __
Carrd Link

Carrd Link

Carrd Link

Carrd Link


Azalais Villeneuve
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her

Carrd Link

Carrd Link

Carrd Link

Rules and Guidelines


❧ Events are 18+ both players and characters must be 18+ to attend❧ Looking to Meld Materia tag is for Staff and Blue Rose members only.❧ Read any individual carrds for personal rules and limitations❧ Please limit ooc chatter in /say as much as possible, and avoid spamming standard emotes so the chat remains readable./yell and /shout chat is limited to staff members for announcements.❧Please put any minions and weapons away (hidden) before entering (if there's an IC reason why you need to have a minion on you please reach out to our greeter upon entry)❧ No ERP or nudity in public areas❧ Listen to Staff Instructions❧ HARASSMENT IS NOT TOLERATED. This includes but isn't limited to: slurs, stalking, trolling, discrimination, and provoking.❧ Repeated disregard for OOC and/or IC Rules will result in a ban from future events.

In Character

❧ All Patrons and Staff must be over the age of 18 to participate in Blue Rose events. Anyone found not to be will be banned immediately.❧ Leave weapons and conflict at the door, The Blue Rose is a neutral zone and a sanctuary.❧ Be respectful of staff, courtesans and other patrons. Any intolerance will not be tolerated.❧ Lalafel are of course welcome, but interactions must remain SFW❧ Consent is paramount. Ask before engaging in any sort of physical contact with someone you don't have a prior arrangement with❧ Staff always have the right to deny or stop a service if they feel uncomfortable❧Courtesans are expected to wear their Roses while working. Courtesans wearing a rose are assumed to be on the clock, those not wearing a rose should be assumed to be relaxing or "off duty"❧ HAVE FUN!

Consent and Safety

There is a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY for ANY non-consensual ERP and RP involving sexual harassment or assault.
❧ Explicit and enthusiastic consent must be gained from all parties before engaging in ERP. We especially like the FRIES method of gaining consent both for IC acts and OOCly.
❧ Please report any IC or OOC consent violations to Selene, Roselle, or Honey promptly.
❧If someone is making you feel unsafe IC or OOC please come talk to Selene, Roselle, or Honey.

Would you like to join The Blue Rose?

Priority Hires:
❧ Courtesans
❧ Security Staff
❧ Bartender/Servers
Job Descriptions
Those who just want to be here for the sex work, in game ERP not required. Dancers are made up entirely of courtesans, though not all courtesans are required to dance. Other kinds of performance welcome including none at all!
bartenders, security, cooks, stagehands, backing musicians etc. Staff work closely with the Courtesans to make The Blue Rose a welcoming place but do not offer personal SW types of service.
For the sake of Logistics Courtesans and Staff are entirely separate, please decide which category you are applying for before submitting an application.Before Applying:
❧Read over our Expectations Sheet
❧The Character you would like to apply with must be on the Zalera world of the Crystal Data Center
❧If you'd like to, feel free to reach out with a character concept before submitting an application, if you'd like to make sure you're a good fit!
Application Process:
❧ First and formost please submit an Application Form
❧Either Selene or Roselle's player will reach out through your preferred method to ensure that you will be a good fit OOCly and discuss anything not covered in the applications, including any questions you have!
❧During that meeting we'll discuss how to bring your character into the Blue Rose ICly
❧ Before your character can be formally accepted into the Blue Rose we would like to make time to rp with you at least once casually to get a feel for character and player compatibility. (Essentially an IC Interview)
Once you formally join you'll be invited to the FC and given your Rose and that's it! You're family!

Other Important Information
While The Blue Rose is a brothel and therefore inherently involves adult themes, the goal is not to be a solely ERP focused group. Rather, I would like to build and foster a group who enjoy all kinds of RP, from slice of life and events to whatever else you can imagine. You do not have to engage in ERP to be a courtesan with us, nor should you ever feel pressured to. We want this space to be a way for players to explore fantasies of all kinds and feel safe to do so.

The Smoking Lounge

Hookah Lounge

The Downstairs

The Rose Baths

Manon Desrosier
Bar Manager/Bartender
Tends the bar, makes absolutely sure it's always stocked, and keeps it clean. (WIP)

Vivianne Gardorioux
Ishargian Beauty
Services Offered: Event Escort services, conversation, full service sex work.
Special Services: Near Eastern and Isgardian Massage
Vivianne's Carrd


The Blue Rose

RP Hooks

❧ Word of mouth is their best advertising tool, maybe your character has heard of them and wants to become a client.
❧ Courtesans of the Blue Rose wear a blue rose in their hair, if you see one of us out in the world, we're working! feel free to approach and send a /tell!
❧Do you run a bar/club/event venue? Courtesans might be available! We can come be dancers or provide some other forms of entertainment!